My favorite movies include “Rocky”, “The Natural”, “Hoosiers” and “This is Spinal Tap.” Schwarzenegger in the 80s was my Olivier.
I consume Diet Mountain Dew at the same rate water flows over Niagra Falls. I realize than a lime green, artificially sweetened substance with the caffeine value of a triple espresso may not be the healthiest beverage ever, but it is diet so I feel pretty good about it.
I grew up in Denver going to Nuggets, Colorado Rockies (the NHL team before they became the NJ Devils) and Denver Broncos games with my Dad and consider John Elway the second coming of the messiah.
I was a 4 year NCAA Division I starter as a pitcher at Princeton University. Yeah, that’s kinda like being on the chess team at Miami, but I still think there’s a shot I could go pro (there isn’t).
I love high tech gadgets of every description and went to computer camp as a kid. Twice. I am always an early adapter and incapable of getting rid of old gear, so my house looks like a tech museum filled with Palm Pilots, Hi8 Video Cameras and anti-skip Discmans (DIscmen?).
If Apple makes it, I will buy it.
I had braces and head-gear in the 6th grade. I didn’t kiss a girl until I was 16.
I have played baseball, told jokes or road tripped to every state in the union. Except Alaska.
I love the sitcom the Goldbergs because it’s funny and it’s set in the 80s. I feel like I’m watching my childhood.
My other favorite TV shows include Suits, Sleepy Hollow, Blacklist, anything NFL.
I performed stand up comedy in the athlete’s village at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. It was one of the proudest moments of my career despite the fact that 95% of the athletes who showed up spoke no English.
I love Fantasy Football and have come in first or last in my league over the past 4 seasons. Go big or go home (and draft Drew Brees)
I’ve saved every movie stub to every movie I’ve seen since 8th grade.
My favorite car was my first car, a 1970 Chevy Nova. It didn’t last long because a 16 year old should not have a 350 cubic inch V8 with poor handling and bad brakes.
I have a feral colony of cats in my back yard and have placed over 50 kittens in homes or no-kill shelters. But cats do it like rabbits so my work continues.
I sat in Saddam’s throne in Baghdad when performing there for US Troops as part of one of my tours overseas for the troops. I’ve also been to Afghanistan, Korea, Kosovo, Croatia, Germany, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan and many other countries where brave people do things to keep us all safe.
I love Journey more than any other band on the planet and share the same birthday as Steve Perry (date, not year).
I’m a licensed MD who graduated with honors from both Princeton University and Columbia Medical School. My Dad is also a doc and he wrote the textbook on Tuberculosis. Literally.
I run incredibly warm and have trouble sleeping if the room temperature is over 64 degrees which is why I think air conditioning is the greatest invention ever.
I love Star Trek: The Next Generation but don’t care for Deep Space Nine.
I have my original pair of Air Jordans. Don’t try to smell them.
In 6th grade, I was the regional spelling bee champion which is why I believe I excel at Words With Friends.
I have been bucked from a horse 4 times having ridden less than 10 times.
I couldn’t carry a tune if you covered it in superglue, but I love karaoke. Usually Neil Diamond or Journey. Always with passion.
I love chocolate milk and those thick Hanover’s sourdough pretzels.
I grew up skiing and still ski 10-20 days/ year.
I have rheumatoid arthritis which isn’t nearly as cool as it sounds. But it got me into yoga and pilates and those are endlessly entertaining in LA.
I absolutely love chicken fingers, especially with honey mustard sauce. Surprisingly, Denny’s has the best around.
I currently have PS4, XBox One, PS3, XBox 360, Wii, Intellivision, N64, Sega Genesis, Nintendo 8-bit and Atari 2600 in my house.
My favorite games of all time are: Goldeneye, the Legend of Zelda, Intellivision Baseball and Grand Theft Auto Vice City.
I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in 2002. It has been very well controlled with medicine (Remicade-made by JBI) and I take most every opportunity to work with the Arthritis Foundation.
In 2007, a tumor was found on my left kidney. The tumor was removed along with part of my kidney and it turned out to be malignant. I have been cancer free since then. But I Livestrong, despite Lance being a tool.
I went to medical school at Columbia, got my MD and I am a doctor.
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Diet Mountain Dew. And my friends. The combination of the two is quite combustible and usually ends up with someone laughing saying, “That should be in your act.” And then I act like I would never use it but I secretly then make a note. Then I try it on stage and isn’t funny because no one in the crowd is pounding DMDs (Diet Mountain Dews) so then I make something up about Godzilla or Figure Skating or the headgear I wore in 6th grade and we all share a nice chuckle.
Yes, yes he does. And he will beat you. Try him on Words With Friends username: MattIseman.
Of course, as long as your event isn’t for an audience of one and held at the Lucky U Motel… that’s illegal. But for other events, you can talk to my Huggy Bear, aka, my manager Kyell Thomas.
It got served up by the great ladle in the sky to that place where TV shows live on… reruns. And in clips.
Not Anymore. At least, not on TV. But my personal cleaning services were captured on tape one time one time.
He is not taking on any new patients but he has been known to give free exams after his comedy shows. But not since he got a girlfriend.
If you want more information on Matt the Doctor, visit drmattiseman.com