Motorcycles, Chocolates and Money… OH MY!
It was really nice to have won as Project Manager and feel like the pressure was off. At least, for a couple of tasks. Things move fast on Celebrity Apprentice. I also learned that Boy George is “happy being miserable.” I do love the man, he is a uniquely creative human.
For our next task, we went to the Peterson Automotive Museum where I saw this gem.
And now, we have to sell Kawasaki Motorcycles. So, naturally, Carson Kressley is the man to step up as project manager.
This was a really interesting task because the brand was so adamant about pushing the envelope. Very often as performers will take risks with ourselves but realize how cautious a brand will be. But here they gave us a clear mandate: go to the edge of crazy and start there so, as always, it’s important to listen to what the brand wants.
It was also cool to get to see Carson Kressley in his element. The guy gets branding any so creative and when he combines forces with boy George on a project like this, the results are spectacular.
Speaking of going “all in,” Carson delivers.
Genius. I thought that was the perfect selection for “shaking things up.” In her first time as project manager, Carson led with confidence and creativity. And it was so interesting to hear the criticism of the women, particularly the fact that they were afraid to break the rules while we did the exact opposite. Amazed they asked Ricky to do this pic and not me.
End result? Another win for the men of Team Arete. But, oh how things were about to change.
After going 4-1, there were 7 men to just 4 women, so the Governor had to shake things up. This was Team Arete just before he sent Carson, Chael & Vince over to Prima.
Then, the task… the fundraiser. From the second I knew I was coming on the show, I dreaded this task. Because I knew raising money would be the biggest challenge I’d face. Most of the other tasks could be considered somewhat subjective, but this one was completely objective: how much money can you raise. And people have tanked on this task before. I’m looking at you Lorenzo Lamas. 100 bucks? Really? I feel like my Uber driver could raise more than that.
But again, this is why you need to volunteer as project manager so you’re not “forced” into it. Fortunately, Ricky wanted this one for Team Arete. And Vince stepped up for Prima. Two heavyweights talking about raising a good 6 figures.
The was we raise the money was sweet: See’s candy. So there’s a real danger of eating the profits.
The other challenge is that we’re now working with new teammates in Brooke & Laila and trying to figure out how we’d best work together.
Fortunately, we had Layla to handle the recipe, she’s a champion in the ring and as a chef.
But, no matter what, we knew we’d look good.
Raising money is a real challenge when you have about a day to convince people to donate and actually PHYSICALLY get you the money by 1pm on a Tuesday. Lots of people wanted to give but we couldn’t just take a credit card number, we needed checks or cash which really complicated the issue. My best friend showed up for me.
In the end, almost $800K was raised between the two teams and we were separated by only $13K. Alas, we came up on the short end and had to say goodbye to John Lovitz. This competition is really heating up now.